The Virtue of Systems Thinking

0 Posted by - 5th October 2019 - Technology

Every system is like three sides of a coin, this side, that side and the integrative relationship between them. Systems Thinking is a way of understanding complexity, the interconnectivity between the parts and the whole. Every system is a construct of the mind. Systems Thinking is a cognitive process to embrace holism and nonlinearity. Here are some virtues of Systems Thinking.

Enforce cross-disciplined understanding: Organizations move so fast today, marketing, finance, technology, talent, and leadership are all intertwined. What is powerful about Systems Thinking is that it’s concerned with whole. It’s an importance of applying Systems Thinking to enforce cross-disciplined understanding of nonlinearity – the scope of change and interdependent business relationships. Seeing the context you are part of allows you to identify the leverage points of the system, and then, select the decisive factors in an attempt to achieve the well-set goals. Open systems concepts will focus on meeting the needs of the environment, Systematic understanding will improve communication, collaboration, and coordination.

Discover dynamic beneath static things: Unlike the closed mechanical system, digital organization are like the organic living system, spontaneously self-organizes, generates patterns, forms structures, initiates business activities, and above all, creates novelty over time. Thus, it’s critical to leveraging Systems Thinking for discovering dynamic beneath static things, understanding patterns of changes rather than static “snapshots.” The business dynamics today is more often driven by horizontal linkages than by vertical (sovereign) accountabilities. Thus, it’s important to understand the business ecosystems, market dynamics, and the connections between business units, and focus on managing a portfolio of relevant cross-border strategic synergies and business interdependence.

Shape objective views of things: We like to believe that we can find the world as it is and know it in itself, but on reflection, we see that based on our personal perception. It is no surprise to create thinking gaps using imperfect processes via the narrow lenses. To try to be "objective" is to try to let go of one’s bias, System understanding of truth is one gateway to finding ourselves within the systems we are attempting to think about. By leveraging System Thinking to see the world through different lenses, we see different systems interconnected with each other. It is also critical to be able to step outside of the system, explore the cognition spectrum, adopt different perspectives to shape an objective view and gain an in-depth understanding.

Bring balance and flexibility: Systems Thinking helps digital leaders discover the interconnectivity and interdependence of the digital business ecosystem. The systems thinking and views of the business are more balance and it is sensitive to the emergent factors and take a flexible approach to solve problems. Flexibility is about figuring out alternative ways to solve problems; to learn and adapt to changes, and explore new possibilities. Systems Thinkers explore dynamic perspectives, fresh knowledge, and balanced views to gain an in-depth understanding of problems that occur, navigate the digital divide skillfully and develop a flexible approach to overcome the challenge.

Focus on outcome: Systems Thinking advocates that the whole is superior to the sum of pieces. Digital enterprises are inherently and intensely complex and unpredictable systems, amplify or ameliorate the effects and shape business structures and systems. Systems Thinking is a good combination of analytical thinking and synthetic thinking to see the trees without missing the forest. In reality, many companies run in silos with overly rigid organizational hierarchy and bureaucratic culture, their business is still the sum of pieces rather than a holistic whole.It’s important to leverage system approach, light up the business full cycles and emerging properties (trends, opportunities) to create the business synergy and ensure the business as a whole is superior to the sum of pieces.

The virtue of Systems Thinking is to help us get behind the "surface" validity and provide us deeper insight into the nuances of why and how. Systems Thinking helps digital leaders and professionals discover the interconnectivity and interdependence of the digital business ecosystem, and ensure that the digital business as an organic system growing and evolving with its environment in harmony.
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