Ethan at Outward Bound
Here’s a Fairly Random Video I made with Ethan! He recently went to Outward Bound in New Zealand and I thought you might like to see some of it… the camera is a little messed up because the screen was cracked! But, if you can ignore that, maybe you’ll still like it!
And remember, this is 360 so you can spin the view all over the place.
Daily Photo – Sunset in Sanya
Some of my favorite photos I got in Sanya were from the main beach while using a drone. This is yet another place in China where I am not sure if it is legal to fly drones or not. But since Sanya is in a more remote area of China, I figured it was okay. I’m 99% sure that all these huge boats out here are abandoned… at least they looked abandoned when I got close with the drone!
read more at by Stu Davidson