Google wants to kill text messages and the networks aren’t happy

0 Posted by - 1st September 2019 - Technology

Google is ramping up its efforts to make the SMS message obsolete. If you live in the UK or France, you may have noticed a prompt in your messaging app on Android phones lately – it introduces what could be the future of mobile messaging. Google has rolled out Rich Communications Services (RCS) messaging in the two European countries, the company says it wants to bring “broad availability” to all Android users by the end of 2020.

“I hate to use the phrase but RCS is an SMS upgrade,” says Nick Lane of Mobilesquared, a mobile market research company, which estimates that there’ll be more than a billion monthly active users of RCS messaging by the end of the year, up from 311 million users at the end of June 2019, and 3.2bn by 2023. “That’s doing RCS a disservice, but it brings all these rich features and functionalities into messaging.”

read more at by Chris Stokel-Walker
