Facebook must not be allowed to dictate how it gets regulated

0 Posted by - 20th February 2020 - Technology

Getty Images / ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / Contributor

What happens on Facebook matters. The social network connects billions of users around the world, and is for many of them their principal way of receiving news and engaging with their community. When Facebook’s systems are exploited by Russia to interfere in elections, by extremists to live-stream their atrocities, or by armed gangs to carry out attacks on their rivals, we are right to ask what more could have been done to prevent this.

As an advertising business which gathers huge amounts of data about everything its users do on Facebook we are right to challenge the company about why more can’t be done to prevent people sharing images of child abuse, videos that seek to recruit people into terror organisations, or content that might encourage people to self-harm.

read more at https://www.wired.co.uk/ by Damian Collins
