Looking beyond 2020 at the top IT-changing technologies

0 Posted by - 26th October 2019 - Technology

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Forecasting long-range IT technology trends is a little herding cats – things can get a little crazy.

But Gartner analysts have specialised in looking forward, boasting an 80 per cent accuracy rate over the years, Daryl Plummer, distinguished vice president and Gartner Fellow told the IT crowd at this year’s IT Symposium/XPO.

Some of those successful prediction have included the rise of automation, robotics, AI technology  and other ongoing trends.

Like some of the other predictions Gartner has made at this event, this year’s package of predictions for 2020 and beyond is heavily weighted toward the human side of technology rather than technology itself.

“Beyond offering insights into some of the most critical areas of technology evolution, this year’s predictions help us move beyond thinking about mere notions of technology adoption and draw us more deeply into issues surrounding what it means to be human in the digital world.” Plummer said.

The list this year goes like this:

By 2023, the number of people with disabilities employed will triple due to AI and emerging technologies, reducing barriers to access.

Technology is going to make it easier for people with  disabilities  to connect to the business world. “People with disabilities constitute an untapped pool of critically skilled talent,” Plummer said.

Artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and other emerging technologies have made work more accessible for employees with disabilities. For example, select restaurants are starting to pilot AI robotics technology that enables paralysed employees to control robotic waiters remotely.

“Organisations that actively employ people with disabilities will not only cultivate goodwill from their communities, but also see 89 per cent higher retention rates, a 72 per cent increase in employee productivity, and a 29 per cent increase in profitability,” Plummer said.

By 2024, AI identification of emotions will influence more than half of the online advertisements you see.

Computer vision, which allows AI to identify and interpret physical environments, is one of the key technologies used for emotion recognition and has been ranked by Gartner as one of the most important technologies in the next three to five years.

Artificial emotional intelligence (AEI) is the next frontier for AI development, Plummer said. Twenty-eight per cent of marketers ranked AI and machine learning (ML) among the top three technologies that will drive future marketing impact, and 87 per cent of marketing organisations are currently pursuing some level of personalisation, according to Gartner.

By 2022, 10 per cent of personal devices will have emotion AI capabilities, Gartner predicted.

“AI makes it possible for both digital and physical experiences to become hyper personalised, beyond clicks and browsing history but actually on how customers feel in a specific purchasing moment.

“With the promise to measure and engage consumers based on something once thought to be intangible, this area of ‘empathetic marketing’ holds tremendous value for both brands and consumers when used within the proper privacy boundaries,” said Plummer.

Through 2023, 30 per cent of IT organisations will extend BYOD policies with “bring your own enhancement” (BYOE) to address augmented humans in the workforce.

The concept of augmented workers has gained traction in social media conversations in 2019 due to advancements in wearable technology. Wearables are driving workplace productivity and safety across most verticals, including automotive, oil and gas, retail and healthcare.

Wearables are only one example of physical augmentations available today, but humans will look to additional physical augmentations that will enhance their personal lives and help do their jobs.

Gartner defines human augmentation as creating cognitive and physical improvements as an integral part of the human body. An example is using active control systems to create limb prosthetics with characteristics that can exceed the highest natural human performance.

“IT leaders certainly see these technologies as impactful, but it is the consumers’ desire to physically enhance themselves that will drive the adoption of these technologies first,” Plummer said. “Enterprises need to balance the control of these devices in their enterprises while also enabling users to use them for the benefit of the organization.”

By 2025, 50 per cent of people with a smartphone but without a bank account will use a mobile-accessible cryptocurrency account.

Currently 30 per cent of people have no bank account and 71 per cent will subscribe to mobile services by 2025.

Major online marketplaces and social media platforms will start supporting cryptocurrency payments by the end of next year. By 2022, Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, eBay, PayPal and other digital e-commerce companies will support over 750 million customer, Gartner predicts.

At least half the globe’s citizens who do not use a bank account will instead use these new mobile-enabled cryptocurrency account services offered by global digital platforms by 2025, Gartner said.

By 2023, a self-regulating association for oversight of AI and machine-learning designers will be established in at least four of the G7 countries.

By 2021, multiple incidents involving non-trivial AI-produced harm to hundreds or thousands of individuals can be expected, Gartner said. Public demand for protection from the consequences of malfunctioning algorithms will in turn produce pressure to assign legal liability for the harmful consequences of algorithm failure.

read more at https://www.cio.com.au/tax/news/ by Michael Cooney
