Apple has announced the date for its next big event — the company is expected to unveil the next iPhone, the iPhone 11, on September 10. But the company is also expected to unveil a new Apple Watch, called the Apple Watch Series 5, following in the footsteps of the ultra-popular, and super high-tech Apple Watch Series 4.
Not much has leaked about the Apple Watch Series 5 just yet, but we still have some information — and it would be pretty safe to speculate about certain aspects of the new device.
Here’s everything we know about the Apple Watch Series 5 so far.
Apple revamped the design of its smartwatch for the Apple Watch Series 4, tweaking the overall build and including a beautiful new edge-to-edge display. Because of that, we don’t really expect Apple to radically change the design of the Apple Watch Series 5, and while there may be minor tweaks, we expect the overall shape and look to remain the same.
Rumors do suggest that Apple may ship the Apple Watch Series 5 in a few awesome new colors. According to a report from Bloomberg, the Apple Watch Series 5 will be available in ceramic and titanium models. The report cites references found within iOS 13 that suggest this. Those new finishes should help set the Apple Watch Series 5 apart from the Series 4.
Under the hood, the Apple Watch Series 5 will probably keep all the sensors you can find on the Apple Watch Series 4, but it’s possible that the device could also feature an upgraded processor compared to last year’s model. While the Apple Watch Series 4 offers an Apple S4 processor, and Apple will likely upgrade to an S5 for the Series 5. We’re not currently sure of the specs of the new chip.
Apple has already hinted at the features to expect in the Apple Watch Series 5, when it announced WatchOS 6. Notably, the Apple Watch will finally get an App Store — so you’ll be able to download standalone apps straight to your watch without having to go through your iPhone. The device will also get better at tracking how loud your environment is, which could help save your hearing, and it will offer better menstrual cycle tracking.
Apart from those features that will become available as part of WatchOS 6, we’re not expecting too many new hardware features on the Apple Watch Series 5.
Release Date
As mentioned, the Apple Watch Series 5 is expected to be announced on September 10, alongside the iPhone 11. It will likely then go up for pre-order and be released to the public within two weeks after the announcement.
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read more at by Christian de Looper